Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March Madness Continues

I still can’t believe my Huskies lost to NC on Sunday especially considering I had both boobs fully adorned in purple and gold.  Okay, so admittedly it’s just multi-colored bruising from the multiple biopsy sites, but still I feel I did MY part for the team.  Oh well.  Such is life.  At this point I should issue a warning (in case you haven’t picked up on it already). I will probably make a comment or two about a boob or two.  I may make a few other comments that aren’t, shall we say, wholly sanctified as I cope through this process.  I think God’s cool with it, but consider yourselves forewarned if you are of the delicate sensibility type.

Today I’m preparing for tomorrow’s PET/CT scan.  The Patient Preparation Form says, “the procedure will take approximately two to three hours from start to finish”.  I wonder if PET/CT Imaging time is similar to Comprehensive Breast Center time in which case I can expect to be there all day long.  I hope not.  I have 12 “responsibilities prior to the procedure”.  Highlights include no strenuous exercise for 48 hours prior and eating a  high fat, high protein, no carb diet for 24 hours prior.  Okay so I have to sit on my butt, eating  steak and bacon.  I think I’ve got it covered.  The day of the procedure, “a radiopharmaceutical will be administered through an I.V,” and I will need to, “drink oral contrast during a one-hour wait period prior to the scan.”  Family members and/or friends may accompany me to the appointment though they will be asked to leave prior to the injection for the test, presumably because I will be radioactive.  As a side note, I am hoping by the time I have the PET/CT and bone scan (for which I will also be radioactive) as well as potential radiation treatments, I will acquire a superpower.  I have put a poll on facebook, soliciting ideas for which superpower is the best to hope for.  During the one hour wait time, I am allowed to listen to relaxing music, “but reading and other activities are NOT allowed”.  Another reason I suppose family members and/or friends are not allowed to wait with me.  I guess they want to keep brain activity to a minimum.  If I am claustrophobic (which I hope I’m not), I was supposed to get an anti-anxiety medication from my doctor (which I did not). After I wait, I just have to lie still and get scanned.  “Scanning times vary from 20 minutes to one hour depending on the doctor’s order”.  Maybe I will find it restful.  I have been known to fall asleep while getting my eyebrows waxed.  If not, I’ve got songs to sing in my head and the Lord’s Prayer to recite.  Hope/pray there’s nothing else hiding in my body somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paula... I'm a year ahead of you sister- have you been 'welcomed' yet by any club you don't want to be in members?

    My former student Kevin H. (his wife is your student) gave me your blog link. I wanted to reach out, let you know I'll be your sherpa if you need one, and offer up my blog link to use/peruse as you please.

    Best to you sister... I WAS stage 3A and I kicked cancer's ass. If you need me, I'm here.
