Friday, March 18, 2011

Buckle Up

3/4/2011 - the annual physical and baseline mammogram.  I took off as much clothing as I could and still remain decent for the weigh in.  When the scale registered 117 pounds, I was pleased with my lack of shame at partially undressing in the common area.  Note that I may be at pre-baby weight (finally), but pre-baby shape now that's something all together different.  I submitted to the usual battery of questions that serve to remind me that there's a whole other category of to dos that I'm not doing.  Do you exercise regularly?  Not exactly, but I do have an active toddler.  Do you take a multi-vitamin?  For about a week after my annual physical.  Do you take fish oil supplements, vitamin D, calcium supplement?  No, no, no.  Do you wear sunscreen?  Yes.  (Not entirely a lie.  I mean I have worn sunscreen on at least a couple of occasions I think. Never mind the fact, that the times I've applied sun accelerator probably numbers higher.)   Do you do a monthly self breast exam?  No.  Do you wear your seatbelt?  Yes!  Finally, a question I can honestly say yes to!  What can I say?  You have to celebrate the minor victories in life.  On to the exam portion of the visit.  The doctor gave me a reminder demonstration of the self breast exam.  It's slightly more likely that I will begin this practice than I will take up scrap booking, making pie crusts from scratch, dusting, needlepoint, or country line dancing, but only slightly.  At some point during her instructions she became distracted.  Distraction morphed to concern.  Concern to concentration.  Ultimately, she told me there was a two centimeter lump in my left breast, and that I didn't need to go forward with the baseline screening mammogram.  What I needed was a diagnostic mammogram at the Comprehensive Breast Center.  Buckle up baby.  I think the ride is going to be bumpy.

1 comment:

  1. Just up with Quinn who I believe was screaming "What the @!&$!??" - I can only assume that he's been reading emails over my shoulder this past week and he too wants to voice his dissatisfaction at the crappy initial hand you've been dealt. A small part of me is intrigued at the prospect that I will get to say (if only for a short time) that my boob (ok, just 1) is bigger than yours. Never thought I'd say that to anyone. (I too can be sarcastic at times, so when in doubt assume I'm coming from a loving place). Sending love & good ju-ju your way with every ounce of me, dearest friend. Love, Shell
