Thursday, March 24, 2011

Feminine Wiles

The bone scan was easy. 

The geneticist looked like a nice scientist.  I'm getting tested for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations.  There are some holes in my knowledge of my family history.  For example, my dad was an only child born in 1912 so there aren't a lot of breasts on that side of the family to know much about.  Even if I knew all af my history, and there was no incidence of breast cancer, they would still recommend the BRCA 1 & 2 testing due to my young age.  (Again, it's nice to be young even if it's not particularly advantageous in this case.)  He looked for indicators of other possible mutations in my mouth and on my hands.  There's nothing suspicious there.  If the genetic testing comes back positive, the likelihood of a new breast cancer and ovarian cancer are quite high, not to mention the implications for my relatives for a variety of cancers.  The geneticist said there are three possible results: 1. Positive 2. Negative 3. Uncertain (which means there is no useful information to be had, but you pay $3,500 dollars anyway).  We're praying the tests come back Negative.  Regence may or may not pay for the testing.  I should know in about a week.  If not, the cost will be the aforementioned $3,500 for the test plus a couple hundred or so for the office visit.  Hoping they pay, but obviously this is secondary. 

Got a name of a guy who can make a wig out of my own hair. (Thanks B. if you're reading this). 

I scored who I think is a good oncologist.  My surgeon referred me to a different oncologist initially, but I've heard rave reviews about another doctor.  Since I was already on the medical campus, I went and spoke to his nurse who said his practice is full.  She said she would talk to him to see if he would take a new patient.  She said IF he agreed to, the earliest he could see possibly see me would be the end of April.  She said she would check with him and call me back.  While we were having this conversation, the doctor walked by three different times.  The third time, he looked over the nurse's shoulder and said something I didn't quite catch.  Kevin later told me that he said, "if you need some help with that let me know."  Three minutes after we left the office we got a call saying he would accept me.  Not only that, he will see me April 1st.  Kevin claims it's because I'm hot. I say it's because God is opening doors for me.  Kevin says God made me hot so it's all the same difference.  If Kevin's right (which he usually is except for when he's wrong), I guess I should get to use whatever I've got while I've still got it.

The last thing I'll mention is that I got another injection today (for the bone scan), and another blood draw (for the genetic testing), and I'm starting to seriously look like an I.V. drug user. 


  1. "I'm starting to seriously look like an I.V. drug user."

    But evidently a hot one.

  2. walked by three times...hmm...definitely what Kevin said!
