Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Crap Shoot

PET/CT was easy.  The hardest part was going without caffeine for about 30 hours, and food for 15.  Of course I had a splitting headache due to the caffeine addiction.  The other challenge had to do with some emails I got from someone we used to go to church with.  She strongly urged me to get a second opinion.  (Love you B. if you're reading this.)  She is skeptical about my treatment recommendation and the "outcomes" of my hospital.  She definitely has some good experience and information which I won't ignore.  I'm just in a sensitive place and was not particularly in the mood to discuss with Kevin the possibility of going back to the drawing board while also dealing with a migraine.  (Sorry honey about the swearing.)  Kevin said my super power turned out to be PMS.  Speaking of PMS, I've decided to celebrate it for now since my cycle will vanish when I'm on chemo.  Whether it will return, time will tell.  Procedure highlights:

  • The tech asked me to please squeeze her peach.  Okay, it was just a foam peach to squeeze in order to pump up my vein for the I.V.
  • I had to drink a giant bottle of oral contrast solution.  It was 'mocha smoothie' but not so tasty as you might imagine.  She told me that 25% of people get diarrhea, 25% of people get constipated, and 50% of people are not impacted.  I guess it's a game of chance at this point.
  • The barium (?) injection they gave me resulted in a hot flash and metallic taste that lasted a couple of minutes.  Pretty interesting.
I came home afterward and took a nap while Kevin looked after Midori.  (Thanks babe.)  Overall, it was a pretty easy day.  Here's a couple of silver linings I haven't mentioned yet.

  1. I am referred to as "young" in the context of cancer as opposed to when I was 37 and pregnant and they referred to me as "geriatric" (seriously).
  2. As much as I adore Midori, I'm so glad that God has not put on my heart the desire to have a second child, because it would be so hard to have an infant right now; it would be a disaster to be pregnant right now; and by the time this is all done with it will be impractical if not impossible to have another child.     
The doc should have the results of the scan tomorrow. Tomorrow morning is my bone scan and genetic testing.  Work in the afternoon.  Rehearsal in the evening.

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