Friday, April 29, 2011


I enjoyed watching part of the royal wedding while I got dressed this morning.  As expected, everything was grand and lovely.  I enjoyed the costumes, glimpsing Elton John, and the sacred music and text.  The real highlight of my day (so far) was getting my drain removed.  It turns out I really prefer not to have surgical tubing in my chest wall, dangling out of my chest, hanging on by a suture, culminating in a grenade size plastic bulb that needs to be regularly emptied.  I was instructed to continue restricting use of my left arm as well as continuing to avoid lifting more than ten pounds.  Kevin & I enjoyed chinese food for lunch with a couple of my work friends.  (Really I had lunch with a couple of work friends, and after the bill was paid Kevin showed up and ate what I had left on my plate.)  Then we went to Scott's Dairy Freeze in North Bend for soft serve. I had chocolate. Kevin had swirl.  This was followed by briefly (yet productively) shopping the outlets.  On the way home, we stopped at Krispy Kreme in Issaquah for soft serve.  I had chocolate.  Kevin had swirl.  We have concluded that Krispy Kreme is better than Scott's Dairy Freeze for soft serve (though Scott's is not bad).  Right now there is a casserole in the oven courtesy of Aunt Barb.  I invited a couple over for dinner.  I figure Kevin might enjoy taking a break from being cancer husband for a normal night of socializing and playing cribbage with his guy friend.  

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