Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It's just me, Kevin

So, I'm writing this while sitting here in with Paula in her room about three hours after her procedure.  (Procedure - sounds so antiseptic, doesn't it?  I guess it fits this setting, though.)  Anyway, here's how the day has unravelled so far:

5:30 am - Wake-up for the Hibiclens shower.  Paula hits the snooze.  Can't blame her.

5:45 am - Paula hugs Midori for quite a while.  Won't see her until Friday.  Hoping life won't be changed too much for her, but only time will tell. (Midori has been extra sensitive to the situation and asks Paula on a daily basis if "the doctor fixed Mama's boob?!" or if "the owie is swimming in Mama's boob?!")

5:52 am - Paula gets up for the "special soap" shower and I hit my own snooze button.

6:30 am - I'm actually on time for once!  We're heading out of the house and on our way!

7:00 am - After being flipped off by a lady for taking too long to back into a parking space, we head inside the hospital. (I suspect she was a nurse who was late for work. Hopefully not ours.)

7:05 am - Hurry-up...

7:20 am - ...and wait.  :-/

7:30 am - After finally being allowed to use the restroom, Paula's taken back into the pre-op waiting area.  There are giant comfy chairs for the patients and tiny hard ones for the support staff (read: me).  It's rather amusing, actually.  Paula's feet don't reach the floor. Reminds me of Lilly Tomlin in "The Incredible Shrinking Woman."  Especially when she starts kicking her legs like a little girl.

8:10 am - After the 17th person asks her to spell her name and recite her birthdate and doctor's name, she gets to see the surgeon.  Paula says, "Tell me you brought your A-game today."  He responds, "Yup.  Always bring it on Tuesdays."  They're on the same page.  Good man.  Stronger woman!

8:45 am - Two nurses and an anesthesiologist later, we're ready to go to surgery.

8:55 am - Hurry-up...

9:05 am - ...and wait.  :-/

9:10 am - One bad joke later [don't ask, I've already begged for forgiveness (I think)], Paula's off to surgery.  Good luck!  I love you!

10:00 am - Hurry...

11:00 am - ...up...

12:00 pm - ...and...

1:00 pm - ...wait.  :-/

1:10 pm - Surgeon calls me and says surgery went well.  He explains all the gory details which, surprisingly, I didn't mind.  I'm so excited that it went well that I forgot to ask him some (what I think are) important questions.  Oh well, I'll see him again soon.  The really important part is that she's doing fine.  She'll be out of recovery by about 2:15.  I head back to the hospital.  (Don't worry, Paula told me to run errands, etc., since I was here by myself.  I used the time to buy her a gift.)

2:15 pm - I get to the hospital where I receive a pager similar to those you get while waiting for a table at a restaurant. Though she's scheduled to be out of recovery, they tell me she isn't.

2:45 pm - Hurry-up...

3:12 pm - ...and  OK, I'm tired of waiting.  I go back up to double-check to see if maybe my pager isn't working.  The lady tells me that she has been moved to a room after all. 30 minutes before.  Did they page me?  No.  Did they check?  No.  Am I frustrated?  

3:14 pm - Moving as fast as I can without getting yelled at by the hall monitors in scrubs, I make it to Paula's room in 2 min.  Elevator and all.

5:15 pm - Off to X-ray for a follow-up chest exam.  I start this blog entry.

5:45 pm - The secondary chest X-ray reveals air around the lung - a condition called pneumothorax.  Crazy name that means we'll be staying 2-3 days longer in this antiseptic hotel while they do another surgery to insert a chest tube and watch what happens.

6:30 pm -  Hurry-up and wait...

1 comment:

  1. happy to hear that surgery went well. Sorry that the other problem came up to keep you in the hospital longer. Hospitals aren't conducive to getting any rest. Hang in there and Godspeed on your way home!
    Daryl & Sue
