Sunday, April 24, 2011

Two Tenths of a Millimeter

I fell off the grid for a few days as I was in a narcotic haze.  I am glad to report I am off the narcotic.  I feel rather like I've been soundly beat with a sack of oranges, but it's preferable to the nausea, blurry vision, lack of appetite, nightmares, and general fog. 

Last Thursday I saw the surgeon.  He went over the final pathology with me.  The tumor was 2.7 in it's greatest dimension.  The DCIS was 5.2 cm.  He said there were some close margins.  According to the pathology report, 1 mm margin for invasive and .2mm margin for DCIS on the skin side.  The team of doctors reviewed my case and all agreed that I need to be re-excised to remove some additional skin.  They also agree that rather than delay chemo, the additional tissue can be removed at the time of reconstruction.  I'm not certain I will still have the stamina to have reconstruction by the time I get that far, but at this point I'm committed to at least one additional surgery.

I also met with the medical oncologist.  I think I mentioned earlier that 14 of the 19 lymph nodes they removed were cancerous.  The oncologist told me that at one time anyone with my condition would have a recurrance, but with the advances in chemotherapy we have a good chance of beating it.  I asked him what a "good chance" is to which he replied maybe 50 or 60 percent.  (On the bright side if you're in the unfortunate 40 or 50 percent and have a recurrance, it's not necesarrily lost.  You go after it again.)  Regardless keep praying.

Right now one of my goals is to get my surgical drain removed.  I expect I'll be a lot more comfortable once I get this tubing out of my chest wall / armpit.  I'm still waiting until I'm draining less than 30 ccs per day.  Just a bit north of 30 today.  I think I'm getting close.

Despite everything, my spirits are high.  Yesterday was truly a sunny spring day.  Between the weather, the love of my family and friends, and the resurrection, it's impossible to feel gloomy.

My advice for today.  Kiss someone with passion, and don't forget there's more than one way to skin a cat.


  1. Good attitude. Good prognosis under the circumstances. Lots of prayer, good attitude, and a good Doctor should drop you well within the 50 to 60 percent! Hang in there. And give that little girl of yours an extra hug. She's a cutie just like her Mom.
