Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Two For the Price of One (2-4-1)

It's just me, Kevin.  Again.

I only expected to make yesterday's post, but Paula started today's and lost interest right away.  It's been a hectic night heading into a hectic day.  So, here I am again.  (2-4-1)

Last night we had Paula's second and (sorta) unexpected surgical procedure of the day.  (2-4-1)  It was one of those things that the doctor mentions "might happen" in passing, but assures you that he/she doesn't expect to have to worry about it.  Unluckily, Paula did have to worry about it.  That procedure happened right in front of me in the room.  While this procedure was probably much less painful than the initial mastectomy, it was much more traumatic because, while she was knocked out for the initial surgery, this only involved local anesthetic - and not enough of it, by the sounds Paula was making.  :-(

After the first surgery, she was restricted to clear liquids only.  The fact that she needed the second one meant she was back on NPO - a Latin abbreviation for nil per os, which translated means nothing by mouth. (Yes, I'm that nerdy.)  Anyway, because of this, she only had a small window where she ate a cup of jello and some diet ginger ale.  Otherwise she was food- and drink-less for about 36 hours.  Yuck.  But, on the bright side, I got to order off the patient menu for free!  (2-4-1)

God has played a huge role in our lives - and he showed up again last night.  Sometime during the middle of the night, Paula rolled over and knocked a tube loose.  Because she was up anyway, she checked the mastectomy site and noticed some significant swelling.  The nurse saw it and said, "I've got to get the doctor."  The resident came in and said, "I've got to call the surgeon."  Apparently, the surgeon said that they'll need to "go back in" to clear out what he believed was a hematoma - a large blood clot - that was building up.  It was concerning because the "flap" of skin that covered the mastectomy sight could be affected by the lack of blood flow created by the clotting.  God came in here and directed the first doctor.  He said, "I could call the on-call team of people who don't do this regularly, or we could wait until morning when the breast-specialists are back at the hospital." He elected to wait and ordered a 5-pound sandbag to be put on for a few hours.  He checked on her every hour after that until morning. (Remember, this was the middle of the night.)  When the surgeon arrived at 6:45 am, the swelling was all gone and the clot was vacating the premises!  No third procedure needed!  (still only 2-4-1)  Thank you, Jesus!

So, all of this means that we'll probably be here until Friday.  Our original plan was over one night - two days total.  But with all the other stuff, we'll be here about four days.  Crazy!  (4-4-2... which reduces down to 2-4-1)  Yes, I'm that nerdy!