Tuesday, April 19, 2011

If It's Not One Thing...

I woke up this morning having some trouble with my glasses.  I decided to clean them.  What a novel idea?  Only it didn't help.  I then tried replacing my glasses with my contacts.  Still no better.  So I decided the blurred vision must be a side effect of one of the medications I'm taking.  Sure enough.  It's the most common side effect of the scopolamine patch.  I am continuing to use the anti-nausea patch so that I can tolerate the pain pills.  So now I'm in a bit of a pickle.  I have a call into the doctor.  In general, I've decided that cancer is not about making good choices.  It's an exercise in choosing the least bad option among all the crappy choices.

I think in my last post or so I mentioned that I was less creeped out by the surgery than I expected.  Well that was before I removed the surgical dressing.  It's pretty crazy looking.  It's what they call a skin sparing mastectomy which means that they conserve as much skin as they can in order to support future reconstruction.  Since skin is elastic, the extra retracts so it's not just hanging there.  Anyway, imagine my breast swallowed a very tart lemon and retreated into my chest wall making a sour pucker on it's way in.  It also doesn't help that when we were in the hospital having the hematoma problem, the resident marked the area so we could see if it was continuing to grow or not.  Instead of using a surgical pen, he used a sharpie permanent marker.  So, above the weird lemon boob, there is a black elipse that doesn't want to wash off  It's pretty distinctive to say the least.

In other matters, Alina and I have decided that instead of the three day walk, we will make an annual "shop for the cure" trip.  She very dutifully  pushed me around in a wheel chair throughout the entire Southcenter mall Sunday while Kevin pushed Midori around in her stroller.

I've now removed the patch.  Gonna see what I can do with alternating ibuprofen and tylenol for pain.  Hopefully, my vision will return soon?

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