Friday, April 8, 2011


Kevin got a call that the family photos are ready.  I intend to frame several of them for my bedside as an inspiration during my recovery.  We left work early today to go see the surgeon one last time before Tuesday.  He gave me a prescription for a scopolamine patch to put behind my ear the night before so I don't have nausea after the surgery.  That will be nice.  We met with a nurse to sign surgical consent forms, go over pre-op instructions, etc.  I got to see what the drain looks like.  It's the size and shape of a grenade, at least as far as I am familiar with grenades, which is not very.  She wrote me a prescription for a post mastectomy camisole.  We also stopped by the medical oncologist's office to pick up a prescription for a "cranial prosthesis".  This is insurance speak for wig.  

From the cancer joint, we went to the wig joint.  I felt kind of like Macaulay Culkin, "I see wig people".  There were rows on rows of ladies heads (sans body) displaying hundreds of wigs.  I settled on one creamy toffee "Erika", and one Pralines and Cream "Julia".  I was tempted by "Stevie" but the consensus seemed that she was too 80s.  

From the wig joint we went to Southcenter Nordstrom to find the camisole, and ended up at the Bellevue Nordstrom, because they have more sizes / selection.  A post surgery camisole has pockets for a lightweight form where your breast used to be as well as drain pockets at the waist.  

Kevin wanted to go happy hour and a movie, but instead he graciously drove me all over creation getting cancer stuff.  Thanks Kevin!  On the whole, the evening didn't turn out like either of us wanted.  If I had it to do again, I would choose the movie.  It was foolish of me to squander our last date night before surgery on cancer crap.  Sorry love :'(

At this point there's not much left to do.  At work tomorrow I have quarterly budget stuff and saying goodbye for six weeks.  It's similar to going on maternity leave in the same way that having a mastectomy is like going to the spa.  In other words, it's completely different.  I have a midday jaunt over to The Landing to have lunch with Kevin's mom.  I have to get the patch and some "Hibiclens" soap to shower with Monday night and Tuesday morning.  I have a PTO day Monday to clean the house (probably won't happen), buy a couple of tops that button or zip up the front, and center myself.  Then I should be good to go more or less.


  1. Good luck, Paula. I'll hope for the best, and you'll pray, and it'll be fine.

  2. @Paula: No me. :-(

    @Jason: She is a prayer warrior, isn't she!

  3. This is Kevin, BTW. Not, Paula. :-)
