Monday, April 11, 2011


We found out Friday that the genetic testing results came back negative.  Phew!  I've got my bag packed.  Check in time is 7:00 am.  Surgery is expected to start about 8:30.  I've got to stop eating, take a couple of showers with Hibacleanse, apply my anti-nausea patch, and that's about it.  Kevin suggested that I mark my right boob with "MY LEFT NOT YOURS".  One of my girlfriends said to me, "you sound like you are as prepared as you can be for this experience that you never expected.  You have a legion of care takers, doctors, and prayer warriors, and of course the Lord is with you and for you.  Picture him on his white steed, covered in armor, looking down on you saying... we are ready, I am here."  I hope this is a vision of the Lord taking me through the wilderness to a place of healing (as opposed to the more haunting alternative.)  Thanks to everyone for the love, encouraging words, positive thoughts, and prayers.  I expect I will be on narcotics the next time you hear from me.  Now get off the computer, and go tell someone you love them!