Thursday, December 1, 2011

My Armpit Looks Like Bacon / I Need a Vacation

Okay, I've really been neglecting my blog.  There's been a lot of family crisis since September.  It's kind of sad when cancer is not the most disruptive thing in your life.  (I'm not joking.)  Anyway, since I last blogged, I finished off the chemo which is great.  I recall the last round as being sort of anti-climatic.  There was no fanfare or certificate of meritorious conduct or the like.  Still being through with that is wonderful.  I've been doing the radiation.  It turns out I don't need the breating device.  Instead I'm using something called a bolus.  Wikipedia calls it a "tissue equivalent substance used in radiation therapy".  Basically, they slap some saran wrap on me (not kidding) and then put a layer of synthetic whatever on my chest which keeps the radiation a bit closer to the surface and a bit further from my heart.  I had round 25 of 30 today after which I'm scheduled for a 3 day "boost".  My 6 weeks of radiation seems a lot like seven.  Anyway, I'm getting close to the end which is good, because my armpit looks a lot like bacon.  My chest is pretty crispy too.  The good news is that since the surgery did so much nerve damage, I don't have a lot of sensation in my armpit.  It just looks really painful.  I'm scheduled to finish December 13, which would have been my dad's 99th birthday.  I'm going to take that as a sign of good luck.  There's still the five years of tamoxifen and more surgery, but I'm going to say the bulk of the treatment is behind me.  I think I've got about 95% range of motion in my left arm.  I started going wigless to work this week.  Think Ellen DeGenerous only shorter.  Not my first choice, but I decided I'm sick enough of the wigs that it's close enough to acceptable.  It's been a mixed reaction.  I've received a lot of compliments.  Some people have said nothing.  One guy almost spit the coffee out of his mouth when he saw me.  A couple of people have pet it (which I don't mind as long as I know you).  Since my chest is crispy, and my armpit is bacon-like, I've tried to explain my appearance to Midori.  She has since started giving people "treatments" with her Halloween flashlight.  Suffice to say, she is as cute as ever.  I have the latter half of December planned for vacation, assuming things don't implode at work.  We're not going anywhere, but I'm really looking forward to the time off.  Looking forward to being done with 2011 altogether.

1 comment:

  1. You are just too much, Paula. I always knew you had a good since of humor, but that it still fizzes to the surface whatever you're going through... My daughter's birthday is December 13th, so I'll share it with you for extra good fortune. Re: your hair, has anyone danced around "So, are you coming out?"
    I'm glad to hear your treatment is almost over. The Tamoxifen will be a breeze. Maybe I'll come out for lunch when you feel like eating. I'd like that.
