Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

With Mother's Day just around the corner, I'm thinking of some of the women in my life that I love.

Lanae, you don't have children, and your mom is in heaven, but you collect wanderers and orphans to mother.  You are fiercely loyal to those you choose as family.  You suffer long with those you love, and you lift them up.  You nurse them until they can fly, and if that's never you keep their vigil just the same.  You have the fight and the hope of the frontier in your blood.  

Shelley, although you live on the other side of the country, our lives have run in parallel in many ways for many years.  We were born a week apart.  We were engaged and married in a similar time frame.  We were expecting our first children at the same time at the age of 37.  When our children were born a week apart from each other, my joy was complete.  I'm so grateful you're here now giving me the gift of simply being present.  There is a lot we could say to each other, but we don't actually need words to uphold the bond of our friendship nor to span the distance between us.  Although a lot of the biggest things in our lives have tended to run in tandem with each other, I'm so relieved that you are only my companion on this journey rather than having to fight this fight yourself.  I don't know how to describe my relief in a way that is not just an enormous understatement.  It makes me weep to think about how grateful I am.  

Kara, you are probably the best mom there is.  I've known you since I was six and you were five.  I neglected my friendship with you when I was going through a dark time.  I basically let it lapse when you were expecting your second child.  It had a lot to do with my own depression, broken relationship, and grief at the time, because I believed I would likely not be blessed with a child.  I'm so grateful you are part of my life again.  The fact that we have reconnected is truly one of the bright spots of this disease.  

Tina, you were such an important part of my childhood, and I was so happy to reconnect with you on facebook.  It was a delight to attend your fortieth birthday party while you were here.  I asked you to fill me in on your daily life as a reprieve from cancer talk, and I have been so blessed with your correspondence from afar.  It is a joy to hear about your family.  You have been so faithful in caring for me in this way, and you can't know what a difference it makes to me.

Alina, you literally came across the world to be with me when I needed you the most.  You put your life on hold to fetch and carry and fold laundry and feed me and take Midori to the potty and so much more.  Thank you so much for your sacrifice, practical support, prayer, and commitment to "shop for the cure". May God reward you richly.  

Alma, you are such a strong and Godly woman.  I stand in awe to see how you manage life's circumstances with love, faith, and grace.  You are beautiful and amazing.  I hope some of that will rub off on me.  

Anita, you are so fiesty and full of life and have such a heart for your grandbabies.   I think if I had to think of a way to describe your spirit I would say, life is short so don't beat around the bush.  If you love someone, tell em, and if you can't stand someone give em the finger.  (BTW, I'm glad I'm on the the loved list!)  

Amber, I'm so proud of the wife and mother you've become even though you started out so young.  I've told you this before, but I'll say it again.  I'm supposed to be the older sister and example, but I look up to you in so many ways.  

Then of course there is my mom.  She would sooner sprout a third hand than actually log onto blogspot, but what I'm thinking about her is that she suffered a lot of hardships in her life, but she did the best she could with what she knew.  Although she did not always demonstrate it well, I know she loves me.  She'll be 83 this summer.  I'm so grateful that she's lived to get to know her granddaughter.    

There are women I work with (and wives of men I work with) who balance work, family, and unfortunately breast cancer in some cases.   They have visited, sent gifts, cards, thoughts, prayers, food, beauty tips, etc.  I miss you gals.

There are all the women saints of the church who have also sent cards, gifts, food, prayers, advice, and encouragement without whom my days would no doubt be darker. 

I love you all and many others very much, and wish you a happy Mother's Day.  I know this occasion means something different to each of you.  To me, every day that I have life is Mother's Day, Fourth of July, Easter, and New Year's Eve rolled into one.

(p.s. Guys, I love you too, and am grateful for your love, help, and presence.  Let's make a date for me to sing your praises in June.)

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